We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Paintings by Katrina Fimmel and Gretchen Scherer
June 22, 2015

Repetitively in Shirley Jackson the house is the girl. The house is always alive, its floorplan a shimmering psychic mirage. The Blackwood girls shut themselves off from the world in such a house to inhabit their own psychological drama. Merricat mythologizes her life not in pursuit of the attention of others but rather to will them into nonexistence. I softly pray in the name of these vintage spies from a time when things they wanted or wished for were not yet called anything, when the wisp of desire itself was pursued-- not the name but the yearning for one.

Evening Hours is pleased to present We Have Always Lived in the Castle. Join us during evening hours, Monday June 22 from 7-9pm.